
In the state of Maryland, workers compensation provides coverage for medical bills related to injuries that arose out of, and in the course of, employment. In addition to compensating for medical care, if you are disabled because of your injury, you will receive additional benefits. The state has four different types of benefits and depending on the disability and your occupation, you will only be able to qualify for one at a time. The four types are Temporary Total Disability, Temporary Partial Disability, Permanent Total Disability, and Permanent Partial Disability

Temporary Total Disability

If your injury prevents you from returning from to work temporarily, then you may qualify for Temporary Total Disability benefits. These benefits compensate you while you aren’t working, so that you will still have some income to pay for your expenses. Typically, these benefits are calculated by taking two-thirds of your average weekly wage. That wage is calculated by providing wage statements to your insurer and the Workers Compensation Commission. You should also remember that tips and wages from other jobs may be included in your average weekly wage. An attorney can help you make sure that the wage is being calculated correctly.

Temporary Partial Disability

If you are not totally disabled, but your injury prevents you from working at your old position or from making as much money at your old position, you may qualify for Temporary Partial Disability benefits. This occurs when your employer is able to offer you reduced work or lighter duties until you recover from your injuries. The insurer or your employer will pay 50% of the difference between your average weekly wage and the wages you make with the reduced workload.

Permanent Total Disability

Permanent Total Disabilities are very serious injuries that will not improve. If a person has a permanent disability, he will continue to receive payments equal to two-thirds of his average weekly wage, even after medical treatment and recovery has ended. Maryland recognizes a few types of injuries as permanent total disabilities. These include loss, or loss of use of:

  • Both legs
  • Both feet
  • Both arms
  • Both hands
  • Both eyes

Total disabilities may also include a combination of any two of these injuries:

  • Loss of leg
  • Loss of foot
  • Loss of arm
  • Loss of hand
  • Loss of eye

Permanent Partial Disability

For permanent disabilities that are less severe, such as loss of hearing or loss of the use of one hand only, you will be entitled to partial disability benefits. Permanent partial disability payments are calculated based on what part of the body was injured and how sever the injury was. The minimum weekly compensation is $50, and the number of payments you will receive varies based on the injury. An attorney can help make sure that you are receiving adequate benefits.

Were you recently injured in a workplace accident? You may qualify for workers compensation. Our attorneys can help you get the benefits that you are owed. Give us a call or schedule an appointment today.