
Common Types of Medical Malpractice

When most of us go to the doctor, we take confidence in knowing that we are about to be cared for by a professional with our best interests in mind. Fortunately, this is usually exactly what happens. [...]

Common Types of Medical Malpractice2018-11-01T11:13:24-04:00

Medical Malpractice Laws in Maryland

Medical malpractice involves the willful negligence of a healthcare provider that results in serious implications for the health of the individual under the provider’s care. Medical malpractice laws in Maryland are severe if a patient can prove [...]

Medical Malpractice Laws in Maryland2018-10-25T10:02:34-04:00

Premises Liability and What It Means to You

Some people live their entire lives without ever knowing or understanding the term “Premises Liability.” For most, there’s never a situation that makes it important enough for them to learn about it. For some, failing to understand [...]

Premises Liability and What It Means to You2018-10-18T10:34:55-04:00

Filing a Construction Workers’ Compensation Claim

It’s all too easy to get hurt while working on a construction site. The combination of dozens, even hundreds of people, heavy machinery, tall heights and weather conditions can all conspire to make a construction worker an [...]

Filing a Construction Workers’ Compensation Claim2018-10-11T11:22:24-04:00

What Injuries Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Most people know that workers’ compensation claims are how you get your needs met after an accident while on the job. However, it’s actually a bit more technical than that. Workers’ compensation won’t simply pay out because [...]

What Injuries Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?2018-09-27T10:17:43-04:00

Interstitial Lung Disease & Your Workers’ Comp Claim

Connecting the Dots Between an Interstitial Lung Disease & Your Workers' Comp Claim What Is Interstitial Lung Disease? Interstitial lung disease is the name of a group of disorders, most of which result in the progressive scarring [...]

Interstitial Lung Disease & Your Workers’ Comp Claim2018-09-13T12:18:11-04:00

Personal Injury on Maryland Construction Sites

Working a construction job comes with a number of risks. As such, it’s a pretty common environment for personal injury lawsuits to arise. Thanks to all the heavy machinery, the heights often involved, and the weather here [...]

Personal Injury on Maryland Construction Sites2018-09-06T15:34:15-04:00

Birth Injury Types

A birth injury can be long-lasting or temporary, mild or severe. The same type of injury varies in the type and severity of symptoms from one infant to the next. Symptoms don’t always appear at the same [...]

Birth Injury Types2018-08-30T15:06:26-04:00

Ensuring Car Seat Safety

More children are killed by car crashes than by any other single cause (NHTSA, children ages 1 to 12 in the United States). Maryland Car Seat Laws The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene keeps a [...]

Ensuring Car Seat Safety2018-08-23T13:35:22-04:00

Personal Injury Cases in Maryland

Given the broad spectrum they cover, personal injury cases are fairly common here in Maryland. They can come about because someone slipped and fell on someone else’s property, because of a dog biting someone, an auto accident, [...]

Personal Injury Cases in Maryland2018-08-16T10:16:38-04:00

SHOCKING! More Mothers Are Dying During Childbirth Because of Malpractice

Every year, thousands of women die, or suffer life-altering injuries, because doctors and nurses are not performing basic tasks.  A shocking, new investigative report from USA Today confirms that almost 2 mothers die everyday- 700 total a year, [...]

SHOCKING! More Mothers Are Dying During Childbirth Because of Malpractice2018-08-02T10:25:08-04:00

I Was Injured at Work, What’s Next?

People get injured at work all of the time. Jobs in some industries such as construction pose a greater risk of injury to their employees. But accidents and injuries can occur in any work environment. Your workplace injury [...]

I Was Injured at Work, What’s Next?2018-07-19T10:15:42-04:00

How Much Do Workers’ Comp Attorneys Charge?

It isn’t unusual for people who are hurt on the job to try and handle the workers’ compensation process without legal help. They believe the process is a simple one and they don’t want to add expensive [...]

How Much Do Workers’ Comp Attorneys Charge?2018-07-12T11:29:27-04:00

Occupational Hazards in the Workplace

No matter your work environment, occupational hazards can put your health and safety at risk. Even what seems like the most benign workplace may have unseen risks you do not know about. This could include anything from [...]

Occupational Hazards in the Workplace2018-06-19T13:01:16-04:00

How Temporary Disability Benefits & Short Term Insurance Protect You

Temporary disability insurance (TDI) and short-term disability insurance (SDI) are basically the same thing. Both types of insurance pay compensation when you have to take time off from work due to injuries or illnesses. Sometimes the two [...]

How Temporary Disability Benefits & Short Term Insurance Protect You2018-06-11T14:08:01-04:00

List of No Fault States

Your options for having damage from an accident paid for by your insurance company depend on the state where you live. Currently, there are twelve states with some variation of the no fault auto insurance laws. These [...]

List of No Fault States2018-05-25T11:46:01-04:00

Liable Definition: What Does Liable Mean?

Whether they are business owners or individuals, many people are understandably concerned with what the term liable means and how it may affect them either as a defendant or a plaintiff. While the specifics are complex, the [...]

Liable Definition: What Does Liable Mean?2018-05-17T09:22:57-04:00

Getting in a Car Accident in Company Vehicle

One of the reasons driving a company car is such a huge fringe benefit is that it takes away a lot of the responsibility of driving your personal car. If you have a car accident in a [...]

Getting in a Car Accident in Company Vehicle2018-05-10T14:32:03-04:00

15 Tips for Safely Driving in the Rain

Here in the Baltimore area, we typically get more than 40 inches of rain each year. This means that you'll frequently have to drive in the rain throughout the year. During times of inclement weather, there are [...]

15 Tips for Safely Driving in the Rain2018-04-19T09:03:06-04:00
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